What does it mean?
WISE - Working through
What is it about?
Older people - especially after retirement - are at risk of feeling redundant and useless, that could lead to the deterioration of their physical, psychological and mental health. We are looking for practices that help prevent this process by enabling seniors to play an active part in their community.
WISE - Working through
What is it about?
Older people - especially after retirement - are at risk of feeling redundant and useless, that could lead to the deterioration of their physical, psychological and mental health. We are looking for practices that help prevent this process by enabling seniors to play an active part in their community.
Our main aims are to:
1. Explore and promote practices that:
2. Involve seniors in the exploration and evaluation of the presented best practices
3. Examine the transferability of the studied methods into the partnes' countries
The partnership consists of the following non-profit organisations:
1. Explore and promote practices that:
- enhance activity, self-determination and community participation of seniors;
- create connections between people of different generations (instead of isolating seniors in separate groups);
- enhance the contact and collaboration across different cultural borders within our societies, contribute to the construction of a multicultural European identity.
2. Involve seniors in the exploration and evaluation of the presented best practices
3. Examine the transferability of the studied methods into the partnes' countries
The partnership consists of the following non-profit organisations:
- Elan Interculturel (France), http://elaninterculturel.com/
- AKUT Foundation (Hungary), http://www.akutfoundation.org/
- The Academy for Sustainable Local Development (Poland), http://azrl.org/
- Negru Voda Cultural Foundation (Romania), http://negruvoda.ro/
- DEMÀ (Spain), http://www.dema.cat/
The project has been supported by the Grundtvig programme / Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission